As an active breeding, production and sales company in all important forage species, DSV is happy and proud to announce the registration of eleven new forage varieties: six new varieties in France, four in Germany and one in UK!
The most important are:
The new diploid late Perennial ryegrass FABRIZIO is a great success with future recommendations in Germany, the Netherlands and in France. Due to its high sugar content and its lowest rated inflorescence formation in aftermath in the German National list, it receives the DSV “Milk Index” award for outstanding forage quality. Very good stability and broad suitability for cultivation round off the varieties profile. The variety will be introduced this year via DSV’s Dutch COUNTRY mixture programme.
In addition, the new tetraploid late Perennial ryegrass ASTONGLORY will come up on the England and Wales recommended list also as a Milk Index variety due to high digestibility and grazing yield. Besides two further Perennial ryegrasses in France, there will be the late tall fescue OVALIE and the late cocksfoot ROSALVA.
In Germany, DSV is especially proud about the new meadow fescue registrations of FEDELIA and TEDINA. TEDINA is Germany´s second tetraploid meadow fescue bred by DSV and offers outstanding forage quality as well as improved persistence and sward density.
This shows, that DSV varieties continue to be at the forefront of breeding progress. Contact your regional sales manager to find the right product of our complete forage portfolio!
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